Exploring UTAUT Factors on Lecturers' Adoption of Online Classes During Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Lester Naces Udang General Education, School of Liberal Arts, Metharath University, Pathum Thani, Thailand,Educational Psychology, College of Education, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines
  • Alex Leong Swee Shyong Faculty of Business Communication, INTI International University, Negeri Sembilan Malaysia
  • Fei Zhou President’s Office, Metharath University, Pathum Thani, Thailand


UTAUT, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Attitude, Behavioral Intentions, Quality Education, Online Class During Covid


Objective: This study aimed to identify the factors that encourage university lecturers to adopt online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic by studying their perceptions, attitudes, and behavioral intentions Method/Design: Data collected through applying convenient sampling technique from 166 voluntary respondents. Based on the exploratory structure, the data were validated using an Equation Model (ESEM), and recent adoptions of respondents were graphed and reported. Used both of quantitative and qualitative analysis result in their analysis. Findings: Quantitative analysis results indicates that Respondents' attitudes toward adopting online courses were significantly influenced by their performance expectations, effort expectations, and facilitating conditions. Furthermore, effort expectancy and social influence positively affected the behavioral intention to adopt online courses. Qualitative analysis results indicates that government's mandatory online learning policy was beneficial, but needed to be implemented effectively. They also encountered challenges related to paucity and need for stability, capacity, and ability. Implications: The researchers suggested that equitable access to online learning should be addressed to ensure that teachers' and students' needs are met adequately. There is significant significance in the study's results, which could assist in improving the adoption of online courses. These findings will benefit stakeholders, policymakers, and administrators in adapting to online teaching during this pandemic. Originality/value: This study investigate in the unexplored territory of lecturer adoption from both of quantitative and qualitative perspective, shedding light on pivotal determinants in this transformative educational shift.


