Game-Based Orff Music Teaching: Enhancing Pedagogical Skills in Chinese Normal College Music Programmes


  • Shaoshuai Ma Chinese International College, Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand. & Music College, Heng Shui University, Heng Shui, China.
  • Pengfei Chen Chinese International College, Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Huan Cao Chinese International College, Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand.


Game-Based Orff Music; Teaching Course; Chinese Normal Colleges; Music Teaching Ability; Quasi-Experimental Design.


Aim: This research aimed to develop a game-based Orff music teaching course for music majors in regular Chinese colleges, with a specific focus on students in the music programme to improve their music teaching skills. At the outset, the study focused on creating a thorough course syllabus. Method: Afterwards, a quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the course. The curriculum development process consists of four stages: goal formulation, learning design, evaluation, and improvement. The experimental design included a group of 70 students who participated in the Orff music game teaching course, while a control group of 69 students received traditional music instruction. Results: The experiment lasted for a duration of eight weeks, with classes being conducted twice a week, resulting in a total of 16 lessons. Pre-tests and post-tests were conducted before and after the experiment, using musical performance as the measurement. Conclusion: The results indicate a notable improvement in the teaching skills of students who participated in the Orff music game-based teaching course in comparison to those who took regular music courses.


