Decreasing Creativity in Elementary School Students During Online Learning Transition


  • Darmiany Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Mataram, JL. Majapahit, No. 62, Kota Mataram, INDONESIA
  • Mohammad Archi Maulyda Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Mataram, JL. Majapahit, No. 62, Kota Mataram, INDONESIA,


Creativity, Online Learning, Pandemic, Plagiarism


Purpose: Covid-19 pandemic has forced the transition of regular learning systems (face to face) to online-based learning. One of the obstacles experienced by students when carrying out lectures online is that many assignments are given. This causes the tendency of students to complete assignments by copying and pasting (plagiarism) from the internet. For this reason, the researcher aims to see the relationship between elementary student creativity and plagiarism by students themselves. Methodology: The research method is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The data analysis performed was a simple linear regression test. The tested data were the RAT creativity scores and similarity scores of students who were converted. Finding: The ANOVA regression test that was carried out on two variables (the RAT score and the conversion score of the similarity results) showed a positive and strong relationship between creativity and the similarity value of student assignments. Because the Confidence Coefficient used was 95% and 0,000 <0.05, a simple linear regression model can be used to see students' creativity scores influencing the value of similarity. Implications for Research and Practice: The implications of this study include (1) the online learning transition is quite difficult for students and causes several learning problems; and (2) There is a decrease in students' creative abilities during the online learning process.


