Faculty Retention among Higher Educational Institutions (HEI’s) of Saudi Arabia: Role of Work Environment and Human Resource Management Practices


  • Dr. Mohammed A. Al Doghan Department of Management, College of Business Administration, King Faisal University


Faculty retention, human resource management practices, work environment, Higher educational institutions, Saudi Arabia


Purpose Faculty retention is a growing concern for higher educational institutions (HEI’s) since top management policy makers in HEIs have realized faculty retention as important for quality of education and institutional reputation. In this regard, limited study has been done to examine the human resource management practices and work environment on faculty retention. Therefore, purpose of this study was to examine the influence of human resource management practices (recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and compensation and benefits) and work environment on faculty retention within the context of Saudi Arabia. Methodology Data was collected using convenience sampling method from 154 faculty working in Saudi Higher Educational Institutions. SPSS version 19 was used to analyze the data using regression analysis, correlation and descriptive analysis.

Findings Results of this study indicated that training and development, compensation and benefits and work environment positively influence faculty retention whereas no significant relationship found between recruitment and selection and performance appraisal system on faculty retention. Implications to Research and Practice Findings of this study will be helpful for policy makers to design human resource policies with specific focus on training and development, compensation and benefits. In addition, for higher faculty retention, work environment should be supportive, healthy and safe. This is first study about faculty retention in the context of Saudi Arabia.


