Effectiveness of Mathematical Learning Module in Community Education Unit
Abd. Hamid Isa , Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Rapi Us. Djuko , Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Purpose: This study aimed to find the problems regarding the effectiveness of mathematics modules on students' learning outcomes in Community Education units. The study focused on three aspects: the design of the learning modules, the results of expert validation, and the implementation or application of the modules. Method: This research relied on a model consisting of three steps: exploration, empirical test, and implementation. All data was derived from observation notes, questionnaires, document studies, and tests. The sample comprised leaders, managers of learning programs, and students of the Package C equivalency education program. The sample was divided into two groups with 20 participants in each education unit. All quantitative and qualitative data were descriptively analyzed. Findings: The results revealed four components of the learning modules: input, process, output, and outcome. All of these four components were significant and relevant to the learning activities. The field test results reported that the learning modules were effective, as the t-test signifies a difference between the average score of the pretest and posttest. Implications to Research and Practice The findings of such research can function as a prototype for developing other modules, ensuring quality education for all people who need an equivalency program that is on par with regular educational institutions. This study concludes that systematical evaluation, quantitatively and qualitatively, results in feasible and reliable mathematics learning modules for Packet C equivalency programs.