The Attributions of Students’ Achievement Motivation According to Their Musical Abilities and Skills in Music Education
- Elizabetë Qarri , Professor at the AAB Collegue in Prishtina-Kosovo.
Purpose: The research analyzes the relationship between musical skills and the attribution of success that students make to the factors and magnitude of achievement motivation. Methodology: the study used Asmus' measuring consisted of two scales: Motivating factors questionnaire which measured the importance demographic factors: effort, background, classroom environment, influence on music and musical abilities; and Magnitude of Motivation questionnaire, which investigated the degree of motivation of students with regard to self-concept of ability, personal dedication to music, attitude towards music school and music in comparison to other activities. A total of 139 students aged 15-18 from the high school of music "Prenk Jakova" in Pristina were surveyed. Findings: The results show significant statistical differences in the attribution of success to motivational factors (effort, background, classroom environment, influence on music and musical abilities) in addition to the effort factor. On the other hand, the results show that there are significant differences in the attribution of students' success to the magnitude of motivation (self-concept of ability, personal dedication to music, attitude towards music school and music in relation to other activities) only to attitude towards music school and music in relation to other activities. Implications for Research and Practice The research implies that students with a good level of musical skills attribute more motivational factors (background, classroom environment, influence on music and musical skills) to their learning achievements, in contrast to students with meaningful musical skills and moderate musically, but not in the factor - effort. It also implies that students with good musical ability are more likely to attribute their success according to the magnitude of motivation to attitude toward music school and music in relation to other activities, in contrast to students with considerable musical ability and moderate musical ability.