Theoretical Perspective of Academic Leadership Patterns in Islamic Universities (PTAI)
- Wahyudin , State Islamic University (UIN) Antasari Banjarmasin.
- Riinawati , State Islamic University (UIN) Antasari Banjarmasin.
- Karwanto , Surabaya State University
- Bambang Sigit Widodo , Surabaya State University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to obtain a theoretical overview of academic leadership patterns in PTAIs in South Kalimantan, to examine how symbolic actions shape the essence of academic leadership, particularly within the unique context of PTAIs. Methodology: This research uses a qualitative approach (phenomenological paradigm) with a case study design. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted using multiple case analysis and cross-case analysis.
Findings: The research results are as follows. (1) The atmosphere of psychological interaction in the academic leadership process is constructed through the strong influence of the unique and distinctive personality of PTAI leaders through a complex process of verbal and nonverbal symbolic interaction in the organizational community; (2) PTAI leaders utilize the stages of social life, formally in the anterior region and informally in the posterior region, in carrying out leadership roles; (3) The social values underlying PTAI academic leadership include family values, unity values, and religiosity values. PTAI leaders play a role in two fundamental social domains: the realm of leadership and the realm of guardianship of organizational sociocultural values. (4) The social philosophy that underlies the academic operations of PTAI includes the philosophy of theology and ritual, the philosophy of sincerity, the philosophy of worship, the philosophy of social care, and the philosophy of God's pleasure. Implications to Research and practice. Academic leadership patterns in PTAIs are constructions of religious normativism in Islamic teachings, which lead to axiomatic constructions in the form of social values of academic leadership.