Formalization of Education Management: A Challenge to Indonesia’s Traditional Pesantren System


  • Mukhtar Hadi Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences, State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Metro, Lampung, Indonesia


Formalization, education management, pesantren, traditional education, Indonesia


Purpose Efforts to improve education quality through formalization have resulted in the disorientation of pesantren education (i.e., education conducted at traditional Islamic boarding schools), and even created a dilemma in everyday life dynamics of these institutions. This study seeks to understand how the formalization process occurs in pesantren and what factors hinder the formalization of pesantren education management. This study also seeks to understand the implications of formalization for the traditions of these institutions. Methodology The study applied a descriptive-qualitative approach, with data collected through observations, interviews, and document reviews Findings. This study finds that formal education management systems limit the ability of pesantren to adapt to new challenges and demands. At the same time, formalization has eroded the traditional characteristics of these institutions, including the dignity of the Kyai and the values of independence, simplicity, and submission. Pesantren have been required to transform their cultural management systems into structural ones, and their family-based leadership models into professional ones. These institutions have not rejected change but sought to accommodate it by maximizing the potential of new systems. Implications to Research and Practice Future research should consider a range of pesantren to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how the formalization of education management influences such institutions.


