Evaluating Cognitive Theory Using Interactive Videos with Female Bachelor Students as Participants



Architectures For Educational Technology System; Cooperative/Collaborative Learning; Distance Education; Online Learning; Teaching/Learning Strategies; 21st Century Abilities


Purpose Few studies have clarified the connection between educational technologies and psychological theories and how they relate to each other to provide students with the highest educational experience. Further studies are needed to understand the types of connections required to achieve high educational input. Methodology This study conducted in Saudi Arabia employed the cognitive theory dimension using interactive videos with female bachelor's degree students as participants. An experiment involving 102 participants was conducted based on a study approach. Data analyses included descriptive statistics, normality tests, associated tests, and multinomial logistics regression model analyses. Findings The results showed that the student's cognitive achievement was related to the skills and sub-skills imparted through videos and clear/conversational language. Moreover, the logistics regression model shows almost associated with task completion and scores regarding using interactive video, scores of cognitive theory skills related to the video subject, and scores about students’ ideas about interactive video tools. Implications The study findings can benefit all individuals who work and train in the education field and tool designers who provide interactive digital video-based learning and training.


