Deradicalization in Islamic Education in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study


  • Faridi Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Universitas, Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Umiarso Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Universitas, Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia


Islamic Education, Deradicalization Strategy, Reorientation, Resocialization, Plural Society.


Purpose: Radicalism is a reality and a challenge for a pluralistic and plural society. Animalism can grow and be anywhere, no exception in the world of education. This study aims to describe the implementation of the deradicalization program in schools and the challenges that may arise. Methodology: This study adopted a field research method with a phenomenological and qualitative approach. The participants of this study were religious teachers at high schools in Malang, Indonesia. The participants were 12 men and women who had received information and training on the deradicalization program. The purposive sampling technique was used to identify informants, for the interviews used as data collection instrument. Data analysis was carried out with data reduction stages through coding, displaying data and drawing conclusions based on the analysis that had been done. Findings: The findings of the study can be divided into five parts. First, the study made evident that there is the potential for the growth of radicalism in the school environment. Second, the opportunity to be exposed to radicalism for school members is not only for students, but also for teachers or even principals. Third, in the practice of learning there have not been found any teachers who insert teachings or ideas of radicalism into students. Fourth, the form of deradicalization in schools through remotivating, reorientation, resocialization activities. Fifth, the obstacles faced are the lack of complete guidelines for the implementation of this deradicalization program. Implications to Research and practice: The results of this study are generally a marker to prevent radicalism movements in the world of education, but more intensive supervision is needed. The shortcomings in this study become a gap for further research to be carried out.


