The Conformity of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Implementation in Indonesia University’s Entrepreneurial Learning


  • Sukardi Faculty of Teachers Training and Education & Postgraduate, University of Mataram, Mataram, INDONESIA
  • Mahyuni Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, University of Mataram, Mataram, INDONESIA
  • Lalu Ali Wardana Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, University of Mataram, Mataram, INDONESIA.


Kolb’s Experiential Learning, Entrepreneurship, University, Indonesia


Purpose: Entrepreneurial learning at Higher Education (PT; University) level is allegedly still low. Hence, the implementation of experiential learning (EL) serves as an alternative. This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the conformity of the implementation of EL in entrepreneurial learning in universities. Methodology: This study was conducted using a survey method, on four EL components, namely: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. The research sample constituted 310 students from six universities in Indonesia which were identified using stratified accidental sampling. The instrument was developed from four EL components that met validity and reliability requirements. All research data were analyzed using comparative and conformity analysis.

Findings: The results of the study showed that experiential learning process in entrepreneurial learning at universities in Indonesia had not been implemented properly. There was no difference in the quality of EL between accredited universities with superior and good accreditation. There is also no difference in the quality of EL between students from the social science and humanities (i.e., Soshum) group and science and technology (i.e., Saintek) group. The results of the conformity analysis showed that the EL process had not met the student's expectations. Implications for Research and Practice: This study instils hope among students that all aspects of EL can be implemented optimally as an instrument to improve the quality of entrepreneurial learning. This implies that the designing of EL-based entrepreneurial learning is a major concern for the lecturers.


