Teaching Writing Skills during the Pandemic: Impact of Online Teaching in Material Development and Teaching Strategies



online learning strategies, teaching strategy, teaching of writing skills, COVID-19


planning in distance learning in the COVID-19 pandemic era take place; 2) How can we implement teacher strategies in distance learning in the COVID-19 pandemic era; 3) How can we evaluate teacher strategies in distance learning in the COVID-19 pandemic era. Methodology This study used a qualitative approach and the type of descriptive research. Sources of data obtained from two types, namely primary and secondary data sources. Methods of data collection used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique included reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.

Findings The results of the research included: 1). Teacher strategy planning in distance learning in the pandemic era included: indirect strategy planning to fulfill children's rights to continue learning, where the method of delivering material can be virtual and online, in indirect strategies for distance learning do not use Zoom and Google Classroom due to unfavorable community conditions. Second, it was found that the implementation of teacher strategies in distance learning in the COVID-19 pandemic era can be through initial activities, core activities and closing activities. Finally, Evaluation of teacher strategies in distance learning in the COVID-19 pandemic era can be achieved through daily assessments which included cognitive assessments which are seen from the assignments that students collect; affective assessments to check whether or not students are timely in submitting assignments, and psychomotor assessments, seen from skills in art. such as drawing, making skills or crafts. Implications for Research and Practice This research study will provide useful insights to the stakeholders into the use of online learning strategies and prepare teaching strategies accordingly.


