Online Training for Special Education Teachers on Supporting Behavior for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Saudi Arabia



challenges, behavior, education, teachers, training, online, Saudi Arabia


Purpose: of this study was to examine the associations between special education teachers’ online 7-week training program on supporting students’ behavioral skills by using the Skills and Needs Inventories – Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention (SNI-FBAI) as pretest and posttest. Method: The study used a quantitative approach with t-test as the basic statistical measure of the difference between two group means and sufficient data collected to make an appropriate statistical analysis, which included an intervention as workshops and presentations on the principles of behavior and behavioral assessments, development, intervention, and implementation. Results: Findings show that current skills level was significant as teachers’ pretest mean scores (12.5) were lower than their posttest mean scores (34.0), showing improvement in teachers’ behavioral knowledge and skills. findings also show minimal differences in training needs from pretest mean (7.2) to posttest mean (5.0). Recommendations: The study suggested to include more online training for special education teachers to increase their knowledge levels and skills and enabling them to manage their classrooms and reduce their students’ challenging behaviors. Also, future research should include training for general education teachers who provide inclusive education.


