The Mediator Role of Need Satisfaction between Subjective Well-Being and Romantic Relationships Quality

Ali ERYILMAZ* and Tayfun DOĞAN**
*Dr. Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Department of Educational Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey
**Dr. Nigde University, Department of Educational Sciences, Nigde, Turkey


Problem Statement: The most important part of identity exploration for emerging adults is love. Establishing healthy intimate relationships support the process of identity exploration. In addition to the positive and negative factors that affect romantic relationships, the concept of quality is also very important in these romantic relationships. According to studies carried out, when the quality of a relationship is positive, their subjective well-beings are also positive. Identity exploration, and also leading a happy life, is also important for emerging adults, which may be supported by means of having a quality of romantic relationship and needs satisfied by it.

Purpose of the Study: The objective of this study is to investigate the mediator role of need satisfaction between romantic relationship quality and subjective well-being of emerging adults. To this end, three hypotheses have been developed: a) There is a positive relationship between satisfaction of needs and subjective well-being in emerging adults. b) There is a positive relationship between romantic relationship quality and subjective well-being in emerging adults. c) Need satisfaction plays a statistically significant mediator role in the relationship between subjective well-being and romantic relationships qualities of in emerging adults.

Method: The dependent variable of the study is subjective well-being and the independent variables are needed satisfaction and quality of romantic relationships. A structural equation model has been used in order to test the developed model. A total of 235 emerging adults (107 females and 128 males) participated in the study. The data was collected via the Quality of Relationship Scale, Need Satisfaction in General Scale, Positive and Negative Affects Scale, and Satisfaction with Life Scale. A structural equation model has been used to analyze the data.

Findings and Results: The results of the analysis indicate that in the model romantic relationship quality and satisfaction of needs and the total effect of the variables were directly and indirectly related to the subjective wellbeing of emerging adults. The direct and indirect effect of the quality of romantic relationship and satisfaction of needs variables to the subjective well-being of emerging adults was found to be significant. Fitness coefficients related to the developed model were within the acceptable limits. The value of NFI was .92, NNFI.94, IFI.96, CFI.96, GFI.96, RMSEA.065, AGFI.92, and x 2 /df 1.97.

Conclusions and Recommendations: As a result, romantic relationship quality is an important variable in terms of subjective well-being. In addition to romantic relationship quality, satisfying one’s needs also increases the subjective well-being levels of emerging adults. Hence, while emerging adults are helped by romantic relationship quality, it is important that the satisfaction of needs also be kept in mind.

Keywords: Subjective well-being, need satisfaction, relationship quality, emerging adults.