Dr. Mardin Artuklu University, Department of Educational Sciences.
Problem Statement: The success of creating a constructivist learning environment is directly related to teachers’ management abilities and therefore scales that evaluate those skills are essential to the process. Given the importance of this subject, the development of scales that address all aspects of the constructivist learning environment should be an assessment priority.
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to develop a scale that will determine elementary and high school teachers’ management skills within the constructivist learning environment.
Methods: The study was conducted on three different study groups composed of teachers working in elementary and high schools located in the city center of Şanlıurfa, Turkey. The groups were determined by the random sampling method. A draft scale composed of 47 items was compiled for use in this study. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was applied to evaluate the factor structure of the scale. Item analysis was used to evaluate the consistency of each item within the entire scale and the distinctive quality of each item. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied to assess whether the factors obtained as a result of EFA were confirmed or not. The reliability of the scale was calculated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for internal consistency and test-retest methods.
Findings and Results: As a result of EFA, a six-factored structure composed of 33 items, which have factor load values of .49 and above was finalized. Item analysis affirmed that each item was consistent with the entire scale and the distinctive powers of the items were at an acceptable level. CFA indicated that the fit indexes had values significantly above acceptable values, which confirmed the 6-factored structure. The scale’s internal consistency coefficient, which was .95, indicated high reliability.
Conclusions and Recommendations: The study results showed that this scale was an appropriate instrument to evaluate teachers’ management skills within the constructivist learning environment in elementary and high schools in Turkey. A version of this scale for students can be developed to collect more detailed information about the constructivist learning environment management skills of teachers.
Keywords: Constructivism, constructivist leadership, constructivist learning environment, learning environment management, scale development.