Teacher Empowerment: School Administrators’ Roles
Aydın BALYER2 Kenan ÖZCAN3 Ali YILDIZ42Yıldız Technical University, TURKEY.3Adıyaman University, TURKEY.4Yıldız Technical University, TURKEY.DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2017.70.1 ABSTRACT Purpose: Teacher empowerment involves ...
Examining the Factors of Self-Compassion Scale with Canonical Commonality Analysis: Syrian Sample
Burhanettin OZDEMIR1 Nesrin SEEF21Burhanettin OZDEMIR, Siirt University, Education Faculty,2Damascus University, SYRIA.DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2017.70.2 ABSTARCT Purpose of Study: The purpose of this ...
A Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Alternative Assessment Techniques
Eda GOZUYESIL1 Isil TANRISEVEN21Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, TURKEY.2Mersin University, TURKEY.DOI 10.14689/ejer.2017.70.3 ABSTRACT Purpose: Recent trends have encouraged the use of ...
Problematic Internet Usage: Personality Traits, Gender, Age and Effect of Dispositional Hope Level
Hicran CETIN GUNDUZ1 Subhan EKSIOGLU2 Sinem TARHAN31Hicran CETIN GUNDUZ, Baskent University, TURKEY.2Sakarya University, TURKEY.3Bartın University, TURKEY.DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2017.70.4 ABSTRACT Purpose: The ...
The Relationship between Resilience and the Big Five Personality Traits in Emerging Adulthood
Hulya ERCANCumhuriyet University, TURKEY.DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2017.70.5 ABSTRACT Purpose: The factors related with resilience, which is an important element of positive psychology, ...
The Viewpoints of Instructors about the Effects of Teacher Education Programs on Prospective Teachers’ Affective Characteristics
Pervin Oya TANERIÇankırı Karatekin University, TURKEY.DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2017.70.6 ABSTRACT Purpose: The affective skills in teacher education should pay attention and look ...
The Effects of Model Making on Design and Learning in Landscape Architecture Education
Tugba DUZENLI1 Serap YILMAZ2 Elif Merve ALPAK31Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, TURKEY.2Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of ...