1Hicran CETIN GUNDUZ, Baskent University, TURKEY.
2Sakarya University, TURKEY.
3Bartın University, TURKEY.
DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2017.70.4
Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of personality traits, gender, age and effects of dispositional hope level in problematic internet usage of university students.
Research Methods: This paper is an example of a descriptive study, which presents the relationship between problematic internet usage of university students considering personality traits, gender, age and dispositional hope level. The study group consists of 376 students from different universities. Research data was collected by using the Problematic Internet Usage Scale, The Big Five Inventory, and the Dispositional Hope Scale. In the analysis of data, parametric tests were used.
Findings: It has been observed that as neuroticism increases, excessive usage also increases; as conscientiousness increases, excessive usage of the internet decreases. As openness, extraversion and neuroticism increase, the effects of negative results of internet usage increase; as conscientiousness increases, the effects of negative results of internet usage decrease. At the same time, it can be said that as hope levels increase, the negative effects of internet usage decrease. All of these results can be interpreted as variables, except being an extravert does not have a practical value.
Implications for Research and Practice: Based on the results, it was suggested that evaluation of results related to the studies made with high school students and adults will contribute to the field. In future studies, relationships between different usage fields of internet and problematic internet usage can be examined. The results would be helpful for prevention and intervention programs.
Keywords: Internet addiction, personality, hope, excessive internet usage.