Tevfik UZUN1 Ahmet AYIK2
1Giresun University, TURKEY
2Ataturk University, TURKEY
DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2017.68.9
Purpose: Determining the relationship between communication competence and conflict management styles of school principals, according to teacher perceptions, is important for school principals to effectively manage and foster a positive school environment. Conflicts are inevitable in all types of schools. Managing conflicts and maintaining collaborations between partners are among the numerous responsibilities of school principals. This study may provide some practical evidence for school administrators and principals to manage and solve conflicts.
Research Methods: Relational survey models were used in the study. “The Communication Competence Scale” and “the Organizational Conflict Scale” were applied to attain data on 245 teachers working in primary schools.
Findings: A meaningful relationship between communication competence of school principals and their conflict management styles was determined. It showed that the communication competence of school principals predicted their conflict management styles, according to teacher perceptions.
Implications for Research and Practice: The findings reveal that teachers think that principals use avoiding and obliging styles at a medium level. When these styles are used to manage conflicts, the same problems may repeat in time. In this sense, school principals need to keep in mind that a current problem may be a source/potential of future problems. Therefore, it is suggested that school principals use avoiding and obliging styles less often.
Keywords: Teacher perceptions empathy, support, integration, avoiding, dominating.