Kivanc AYCAN
Erciyes University, TURKEY.
DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2017.69.7
Purpose: In this research, it is observed that if solfeggio syllables, consonants, and vowels are spoken properly, voice intensity (accent), duration, pitch (high pitch-low pitch) and intonation (the ability to carry a musical voice) related to proper pitch level. In this study, it is observed that rhythmic structures do not form without pronouncing the syllables in solfeggio, and, therefore, a voice training system based on bona exercises has been developed.
Research Methods: This research is an action research because it deals with the methods of designing individual lessons. This study examines the vocal exercises that adapted bona (rhythmic articulation exercises) and was performed during the lesson; therefore, it is an action research and is subjective.
Findings: Bona exercises have an important place in solfeggio training. Solmization syllables have been used especially in bona and solfeggio exercises since they ease solfeggio. Eventually, all of the participants agreed that bona as an individual voice lesson method is helpful to understanding solfeggio principles.
Implications for Research and Practice: The question of how PVT classes can be of use in solfeggio classes has never been answered. It is deduced from this study that the correct intonation or tone can be obtained by pronouncing the solmization syllables with the principle of correct voice production, using the intensity of the consonants, which affects the intensity, duration, and pitch of the voice. Within this scope, PVT exercises can play a huge role in musical training programs. Otherwise, it will not be of benefit other than drawing attention to the beauty of one’s voice. The usage of breathing and bona exercises with solmization syllables during the Personal Voice Training course was useful. Students have found that reading the notes according to their intensities and doing breathing exercises contributes considerably to pronouncing the consonants and finding the tone.
Keywords: Bona, Voice Training, intonation, MAXQDA.