Nermin CIFTCI ARIDAG1, Merve AYDIN2, Rukiye AYDIN3
1Yıldız Technical University, TURKEY.
2Yıldız Technical University, TURKEY.
3Yıldız Technical University, TURKEY.
DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2018.73.1
Purpose: School life quality influences students in many ways with factors related to it. For this reason, the quality of life of the school needs to be taken seriously. Satisfaction with school life can contribute to students’ positive attitudes toward the school. When the relevant literature is examined, it is observed that a limited number of researches have been conducted in our country. Based on this reason, it has been decided to carry out this research.
Research Methods: The screening model was used in the study. The study population consists of year one, two and three undergraduate students who didn’t receive preparatory education and who study in Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Education. The data were collected through Faculty Life Quality Scale (FLQS) and Personal information form.
Findings: According to the study, it was observed that satisfaction level of faculty life quality was higher in female students than male students with respect to all the sub-dimensions, apart from the satisfaction of faculty sub-dimension, and total scale score. Student satisfaction levels, with respect to all the sub-dimensions and total scale score, were observed to be highest in year one students; and lowest in year three students. Students, who had a “very high” and “high” satisfaction level with their department choice, were observed to have higher satisfaction levels about faculty life quality than the students with “low” and “medium” satisfaction levels.
Implications for Research and Practice: It was observed that Faculty Life Quality Scale total score differed according to gender, grade level, satisfaction level of department choice and perceived socio-economic status.
Keywords: YTU students gender preference of department perceived socioeconomic level.