An Investigation into the Relationship between Pedagogic Inference Quality and Epistemic Cognition of Pre-School Teachers

1InegolAtaturkSecodary School, TURKEY.
DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2021.92.9


Purpose: This study examined the relationship between pedagogic inference and the epistemological cognition of pre-school teachers. This paper provides and interests a relationship network with the pedagogy of field by delineating. In accordance with the model of this study, naïve and sophisticated epistemic cognition were determined and investigated whether these groups were comparable to pedagogic inferences quality, especially concerning validity, was compared.

Research Methods: This research was designed as a qualitative case study conducted of Epistemic Cognition Scale (ECS) and Pedagogical Inference Interview Form (PIIF) as a tool to measure critical thinking capability. Compliance sampling was used in this study. This study included 68 pre-school teachers who enrolled Inegol district of Bursa province in the 2018-2019 academic years. The data were gathered using interview transcript and vignette questions.

Findings: The findings revealed that there were positive relationships between pedagogical inference quality and epistemic cognition of pre-school teachers. In addition, results showed that the quality of pedagogical inference is an alternative in capturing the individual’s epistemology. pre-school teachers. In addition, results showed that the quality of pedagogical inference is an alternative in capturing the individual’s epistemology.

Implications for Research and Practice: Pedagogic inference quality can be an effective new parameter in teacher training. The relationship between this parameter and pedagogical content knowledge in teachers ‘ cognition with the other parameter may create a new corpus for teacher training studies.

Keywords: teacher education, inference, teachers’ epistemology, pedagogy, interview form