Determining the Influence of Teacher Quality toward Teacher Readiness in Implementing Indonesian Education Policy

1School of Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
2School of Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
3School of Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2021.93.18


Purpose: The Indonesian education system aims to produce a well-educated generation of young people to face the present and future challenges. This requires quality teachers who express a high level of readiness to implement the Indonesian education policies. A quality teacher with utmost readiness requires an uncluttered mind, ready to engage with the learning material in innovative ways.

Research Methodology: This study investigates the correlation between teacher quality (as independent variable) and teacher readiness (as dependent variable) to test the hypothesis that teacher quality exerts a significant influence on teacher readiness in implementing education policy. Total respondents consisted of 250 teachers from Indonesian schools selected by simple random technique of sampling. Data was collected through observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Current study utilized the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique for the data analysis. This technique usually used for testing the hypothesis, numerical and statistical analysis.

Findings: The results showed that: there is a significant influence of teacher quality toward teacher readiness in implementing education policy.

Implications to Research and Practice: The study recommends that teachers must continue to develop their quality and prepare themselves to face future challenges; secondly, future research can explore how the quality of teachers and teacher readiness can be tested on specific qualities as well as specific policy formulations.

Keywords: Teacher quality, teacher readiness, education policy, competence, Indonesia.