Syawal GULTOM*1, Baharuddin2, Hesti FIBRIASARI3
1Universitas Negeri Medan, INDONESIA
2Universitas Negeri Medan, INDONESIA
3Universitas Negeri Medan, INDONESIA
DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2021.93.17
Purpose: Leadership styles and school performance in educational sector are correlated in the sense that to improve the quality of education, there is a great need to develop the professional capabilities of school leaders– the headmaster, head teachers and department heads, who are responsible for managing school resources effectively and efficiently. In Indonesia particularly, educational management through good leadership is one of the most required aspects to develop.
Research Methodology: The study examines leadership styles of school heads from sample schools around Medan city in the Province of North Sumatra, Indonesia and critically analyze their performance styles in running schools. A correlational survey design was employed, which helped establish the relationship between leadership styles and management performance in schools. The study involved examining documentation, visiting schools, and holding discussions with various head teachers and department heads purposively to evaluate the current status of educational management in Indonesia.
Findings: The findings revealed that good performance of a school depends on good governance and better leadership style of the school head, established as performance characteristics that every school leadership must possess.
Implications: The present study will be a useful contribution to understand the leadership styles and school performance in the Indonesian education sector. It will provide useful insights of leadership styles as a crucial element in growth and development of the Indonesian education sector.
Keywords: School performance, leadership styles, education leadership, education system.