Is The Perception of Organizational Deviation Affected by The Organizational Climate? Research in Schools
Abbas ERTURK and Lukman ZIBLIMMugla Sitki Kocman University, TURKEYDOI: 10.14689/ejer.2020.85.1 ABSTRACTPurpose: The purpose of the current study was to determine ...

The Development of Moral and Social Judgments: Social Contexts and Processes of Coordination
Elliot TURIEL1, K. Amy BANAS21University of California, Berkeley2Graduate School of Education at the University of California, BerkeleyDOI: 10.14689/ejer.2020.85.2 ABSTRACTThe research ...

The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy
Apriza FITRIANI1, Siti ZUBAIDAH2, Herawati SUSILO3, Mimien Henie Irawati AL MUHDHAR41Postgraduate Student, Universitas Negeri Malang, INDONESIA; Biology Education Department, Universitas ...

A Case Study Regarding of the Parental Responsibilities to Their Children
Bilgen KIRALAydin Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Education, Educational Administration Department, Efeler, Aydin, TURKEYDOI: 10.14689/ejer.2020.85.4 ABSTRACTPurpose: This research was conducted ...

Motivation, Self-Efficacy and Attitude as Predictors of Burnout in Musical Instrument Education in Fine Arts High Schools
Demet GIRGINBalikesir University, Necatibey Education Faculty, Music Education Department, TURKEYDOI: 10.14689/ejer.2020.85.5 ABSTRACTPurpose: This study aims to investigate fine arts high ...

Development of the Attitude towards Science Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study
Hasan OZCAN and Esra KOCAAksaray University, TURKEYDOI: 10.14689/ejer.2020.85.6 ABSTRACTPurpose: This study aimed to develop an attitude scale to find out ...

Development of Secondary School Students’ Relational Thinking Skills with a Teaching Experiment
Nilufer YAVUZSOY KOSE1,*, Ayhan KIZILTOPRAK21Anadolu University, Faculty of Education, TURKEY2Ministry of National Education-Mathematics Teacher, PhD Candidate-Anadolu University, TURKEYDOI: 10.14689/ejer.2020.85.7 ABSTRACTPurpose: ...

The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning with Academic Staff Readiness for Education 4.0
Rosnah ISHAK and Mahaliza MANSORSultan Idris Education University, Perak, MalaysiaDOI: 10.14689/ejer.2020.85.8 ABSTRACTPurpose: Education 4.0 paves the way for a new ...

Correlations between Teachers’ Personality, Psychological Safety Perception and Teacher Voice
Seyda BAS and Erkan TABANCALIYildiz Technical University, TURKEYDOI: 10.14689/ejer.2020.85.9 ABSTRACTPurpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the level ...

The Role of Self-Efficacy in Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Motivation and Job Involvement
Selcuk DEMIRMinistry of National Education, TURKEYDOI: 10.14689/ejer.2020.85.10 ABSTRACTPurpose: Self-efficacy belief procures teachers to root for each other’s development in some ...

Compliance of Accounting Education Programs with International Accounting Education Standards: The Case of IES 3 in Tunisia
Youcef MAMECHE1,*, Mohamed Ali OMRI2, and Najet HASSINE31College of Business Administration, Northern Border University, Arar 91431, Saudi Arabia2College of Business ...