1Faculty of Education, Mersin University, TURKEY.
2Faculty of Education, Siirt University, TURKEY.
DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2021.93.5
Purpose: The words and expressions are as important as the handled subject for the children in children’s literature works. In this study, the works of Roald Dahl, who is one of the children’s literature writers, have been examined to identify the violence elements, usage frequency and the situations in which violence elements are used in the works. Research
Methods: The works were examined with the document analysis method, which is one of the qualitative research methods and content analysis was applied to the works within “Physical violence, Emotional violence, Negligence and Sexual Violence” codes. Six works of Roald Dahl were analyzed within these codes. Numerical values of the determined codes were found and discussed.
Findings: According to the analysis; it was observed that Bay ve Bayan Kıl (The Twits) had (f.126, emotional violence), (f.44 physical violence) elements, Charlie’nin Büyük Cam Asansörü (Charlie and The Great Elevator) had (f.284 emotional violence), (f.120 physical violence). elements; and Charlie’nin Çikolata Fabrikası (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory) had (f.284 emotional violence), (f.102 physical violence) elements. Furthermore, it was detected that Dev Şeftali (James and The Giant Peach) had (f.294 emotional violence), (f.53 negligence), (f.100 physical violence) elements; Matilda (Mathilda) had (f.203 emotional violence), (f.60 negligence), (f.68 physical violence) elements; and lastly Yaman Tilki (Fantastic Mr.Fox) had (f.96 emotional violence), (f.47 physical violence) elements.
Implications for Research and Practice: The works within the study field are intense in violence elements. A total of 1871 violence elements were found in the six works. The works do not contain any sexual violence elements. When the intensity of the emotional violence elements was examined, it was seen that this condition stems from the language of the writer. Hence, the writer created a tense environment with his style.
Keywords: Children’s literature, physical and emotional violence, negligence, sexual violence, education.