Nezahat Hamiden KARACA1 Neriman ARAL2
1Afyon Kocatepe University, TURKEY.
2Ankara University, TURKEY.
DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2017.71.6
Problem statement: An individual’s childhood years are pre-school period years when he/she makes progress in every aspect of development. Before getting to know his inner circle, the child starts to know himself/herself first. People’s opinions about the child are highly important as long as these people are close to the child and valuable for him/her. As a result of these people’s negative or positive opinions about the child, he/she creates a negative or positive self concept.
Purpose of Study: Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze self concept of children, who are currently in pre-school period, in terms of various factors.
Method: 393 children, who are currently pre-school students in nursery schools and kindergartens that are affiliated to Afyonkarahisar Provincial Directorate of Turkish Ministry of National Education, are included in the sample. For collecting the data, ”General Information Form” including information about the children and ” Child’s Perception of Self Concept” assessment tool, which was developed to assess five-six years old children’s self concept, were used.
Finding and Result: As a result of the study, children’s self concepts were highly different according to the type of school, their age and the educational background of their fathers.
Recommendations: From this point of view, various suggestions, such as informing parents about the factors that are effective in forming self concept as well as informing them about the education that children get in the family and in pre-school institutions are effective for children’s later years and carrying out studies about these development areas, are addressed to the parents, teachers and researchers.