Dr. Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Education, Psychological Counseling and Guidance Dept, Hatay.
Problem Statement: Decision making is a critical cognitive process in every area of human life. In this process, the individuals play an active role and obtain outputs with their functional use of decision-making skills. Therefore, the decision-making process can affect the course of life, life satisfaction, and the social relations of an individual. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the psycho-educational groupbased program which aims to develop the highly-significant decisionmaking skills of university students during the transition to adulthood
Purpose of the Study: This paper aimed to examine the effect of decisionmaking skill training group practices based on decision-making styles of university students and to evaluate the permanence of this effect
Method: A pre-test-post-test control group true experimental model was used in the study. The personal information form, interview form, and Melbourne Decision-Making Questionnaire (MDMQ) were applied before experimental procedures as pre-test measures. The study was conducted on 44 students studying at Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Education within a period of six weeks from February through March 2013. Twenty-two participants (twelve female and ten male) were included in the treatment group (mean age 22.1) and 22 participants (thirteen female and nine male) were included in the control group (mean age 21.9 years).
Findings: The analysis results showed that there was a significant difference at each sub-scale between the adjusted post-test average scores; there existed a significant difference at each subscale between the adjusted post-test average scores; following the observations made by the leader, the total scores achieved by the participants at each session from the Group-Related Measures Survey Form were 17 and higher.
Conclusion and Recommendations: In conclusion, it was observed that decision-making training group practices increased self-esteem and positive coping style scores of the students and decreased the negative coping style scores. This increase and decrease in relevant scores are also supported by the qualitative data. Decision making is one of the major abilities that affects individuals’ lives in direct and indirect ways. It would be beneficial if young individuals gain positive decision-making skills in the early stages of their lives. As a consequence, we recommend that decision-making training groups, workshops and courses should be a part of the curriculum program in the entire education process.
Keywords: University Students, Decision Making, Decision-making Styles, Skill Training.