Safak KAMAN1, Ihsan Seyit ERTEM2
1Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, TURKEY.
2Gazi University, TURKEY.
Purpose: In today’s world, the rapid spread of technology affects educational life. It has become common place in many countries to read digital texts on tablet computers, preferred for their portability, and long charging times; projects are done to improve educational quality in many countries. However, research is limited about how reading digital texts affects reading skills of primary students. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of digital text readings on reading comprehension, reading fluency, and reading attitude of 4th grade students.
Research Methods: The mixed method, in which quantitative and qualitative research methods are used together, has been employed in the research. The reading levels of 75 students attending 4th grade in four primary schools were determined by pre-test, and the 30 students with the lowest scores were selected. An experimental and a control group were formed by randomly assigning the students to one of the two groups. Each group contained 15 students.
Findings: The quantitative findings showed that the use of digital texts had influence on improving fluency and reducing reading mistakes, while it did not affect students’ reading attitudes and its effect on comprehension lasted a short time. According to qualitative findings, students were eager and excited.
Implication for Research and Practice: If educational environments are inevitably influenced by technological devices, it becomes crucial to use technological devices in a planned and appropriate manner. We suggest that teachers also apply reading activities with digital texts to improve the reading achievement of primary students.
Keywords: Reading skills, technology, repeated reading.