Assistant. Prof.Dr. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversity, Department of Educational Science.
Problem Statement: It can be said that one of the key factors ensuring teachers adaptation to developments is teachers’ level of commitment to their schools. In this commitment, the teacher is expected to internalize the organizational objectives. The teacher’s perception of organizational support is important for him to internalize the organizational goals, because, teachers feeling supported will contribute more to achieve the objectives of the school. Thus, it is thought that the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of organizational support and organizational commitment is important.
Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between perceptions of organizational support and level of organizational commitment of teachers working in primary schools in Turkey.
Method: The study is a correlational survey and tried to uncover the relationship between perception of organizational support and of organizational commitment of teachers working in primary schools in Turkey. The population of the study is teachers working in primary schools in Turkey. In order to represent Turkey, first Turkey Statistical Institute’s criteria (İBBS 2005) NUTS 1 for classification of territorial units is used to determine the cities. In this context, a total of 23 cities, two cities with the greatest number of teachers in each region, were included in the research. A total of 887 teachers working in primary schools in Turkey participated in the study.
Findings: There is a very low level and a negative relationship between teachers’ commitment to compliance and organizational justice and supervisor support. Organizational awards and working conditions are not a significant predictor of organizational commitment to compliance. There is a moderate and a significant relationship between teachers’ identification and internalization of organizational commitment and sub-dimensions of organizational support. While identical commitment is affected mostly by the organizational awards and working conditions, internalization commitment is affected mostly by the supervisor support.
Discussion and Results: In conclusion, teachers’ perception of organizational support is one of the predictors of organizational commitment. In this context, what is desired and expected is a teacher with an internalization commitment to her school. For organizational aims to be internalized, employees’ and the organization’s objectives must be in harmony. In order to develop teachers’ internalization commitment, teachers’ perception of supervisor support should be increased, because, the most important predictor of teachers’ internalization commitment is supervisor support. Employees are affected positively and trust their managers, specifically, if they receive positive support from their supervisors about injustice they experienced in their organization. To do this, first principals must create a fair environment in primary schools. Creating a fair environment in schools is related to principals’ attitudes and behaviours. At this point, principals should be fair while positively evaluating the contributions of teachers and providing awards. Additionally, principals should also ensure that teachers participate in the decision making process.
Keywords: Perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, supervisor support.