Mihrican BALABAN* and M. Handan GUNES**
*Department of Science Education, Ondokuz Mayis University.
**Department of Biology Education, Ondokuz Mayis University.
Problem Statement: Due to the differeces in students’ learning styles, the use of alternative measurement and evaluation methods has become necessary. The assessment of students involves more than their responses to a series of test items. Measurement and evaluation is not just grading students through exam results. Thus, a new approach has become essential in measurement and evaluation within the reconstruction of curricula for an effective educational process.
Purpose of Study: The aim of this study is to examine the effects of portfolio assessment on the achievements and progress of students for the chapters ‘Systems of Our Body’ and ‘Breeding, Growth and Development in Living Organisms’ in the Science and Technology course.
Keywords: Portfolio assessment, achievement test, attitude, science education