Hale ERDEN 1
1 Dr., Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Ministry of National Education, Nicosia, N.Cyprus via Mersin 10 TURKEY,
Problem Statement: The identification of professional teaching standards has great value on initial teacher training, hiring teachers, assessing teacher performance, as well as planning and organizing teacher professional development. In Northern Cyprus there are not any identified professional teaching standards. This study aimed at filling this gap in the Northern Cyprus education system.
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to identify the developmental process (DP), dimensions of professional teaching standards (DoPTS), and draft professional teaching standards (DPTS) as an initial step for proposing a national framework for professional teaching standards (PTS) in Northern Cyprus (NC).
Method: Case study under a qualitative paradigm was used as the research strategy in this study. Participants were 7 educational experts (7-EEs) and 17 working group members (17-WGMs). Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed through content analysis.
Findings: As a result of the face-to-face interviews with WGMs, 4 DoPTS and 52 DPTS were identified.
Conclusion and Recommendations: The conclusion revealed categories in the DP, DoPTS, and DPTS. As a result, category DP involved the themes of existing-situation, procedures, working group, format of the study, and study techniques. Category DoPTS yielded the themes of professional values and practice (PVaP), professional development and practice (PDaP), teaching and learning process (TaLP), and professional relationships and practice (PRaP). Category DPTS included the categories PVaP, PDaP, TaLP, and PRaP. Category PVaP generated the themes of valuing learners, being a role model, and entrepreneurship. Category PDaP included the themes of focus on learning strategies, expertise, research skills, curricularknowledge, and active leadership. Category TaLP gave rise to the themes of pedagogical content knowledge, learning as cycles of monitoring assessment and feedback, planning learning, learners’ responsibilities, and special needs. Category PRaP included the themes of communication and collaboration. Using further statistical analysis, PTSs and performance statements were required to be identified. Similarly, PTSs related to each field of study were recommended for identification based upon the PTSs.
Keywords: Professional development and practice, professional relationships and practice, professional values and practice, teaching and learning process