Dr. Aslanargun, Duzce University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences.
Doi: 10.14689/ejer.2015.60.2
Problem Statement: The quality of education carried out in schools depends largely on the performance of teachers and school principals in cooperation. İt is possible to say that a qualified education of students depends on the performance and compliance degree of these two groups. İn this process, teachers’ having the primary responsibility for teaching in compliance with school administration and supported by administration is very critical. For a more qualified education/teaching school, principals should support their teachers as an institutional leader responding to their expectations and needs.
Purpose of the Study: The aim of this study is to determine teachers’ expectations from school principals so that they can do their jobs better. Teachers included in the study were asked what they have expected and hoped from principals while they were teaching.
Method: A qualitative research methodology was employed, using phenomenology to collect and analyze the interpretations and meanings of teachers’ expectations as drawn from their responses to open ended semi structured questions. The research group consists of volunteer teachers who were employed in the district and province of Duzce city in Turkey. Teachers were invited to fill out the open ended form consisting of a single question via e-mail. A total of 677 volunteer teachers participated in this study: some of whom gave more than a single response, whereas some preferred short responses.
Findings and Results: In the finding section of the study, which aimed to investigate and analyse the teachers’ expectations and opinions, a major category and eight subcategories were identified. When analyzing the expectations of teachers from principals, it was evident that nearly one-fourth of the expectations were centered on the subcategories of comprehension and support (25 percent). Subsequently, satisfaction with the current administration (21 percent), leadership (13 percent), justice and equality (12 percent), communication (11 percent), physical equipment (9 percent), school development (9 percent) and no expectation (2 percent) followed. Consequently, value based informal behaviors such as appreciation, cooperation, consulting, respecting, fairness, confidence, and motivation were emphasized most often by the teachers.
Conclusions and Recommendations: The concepts and themes generally focused on human relationships, meaning that behaviors of principals should be shaped by considerations of leadership and communication. Communication, empathy, and initiative are the concepts teachers paid the most attention to throughout the study, and these are the psychological characteristics that principals need to adapt most whatever their preferred leadership style has been. Having a considerate style of administration and providing support for teachers were the core recommendations of the research.
Keywords: Principal, instructional leadership, school improvement, justice and equality.